
发表: 星期二,2022年6月28日 | Tags: 案例研究, 商会案例研究, 商会网站, 商会网站, 经济发展组织案例研究, 经济发展网站, 江户的网站


提升拉皮德城 is excited to announce the launch of its new website and 会员 management software system. This organization was established three years ago when the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Organization merged to lead and develop the small business efforts in Rapid City and the Black Hills region. 

这个组织更新后的网站有一个时髦的设计, 易于使用的导航, and a host of features that will make it easier for its 770+ members to stay connected and engaged. The rollout of their 会员 management system allows members to manage their contact information, 报名参加活动, 并在网上更新会员资格. 除了, this total software solution provides the 提升拉皮德城 staff with valuable insights into 会员 trends and patterns. Launching the new website and software system represents a significant step forward for 提升拉皮德城 as it continues its mission of making the Black Hills region the place people want to be.

内容管理工具 & 钱伯斯和edo的功能 

使用立博客户端app下载 Freedom, 提升拉皮德城可以轻松地:

  • 自定义主页内容
  • 构建无限形式
  • 建立动态网页
  • 上传图片、pdf文件和年度报告
  • 轻松控制和更新菜单导航 
  • 撰写新闻文章
  • 更新员工和董事会目录 
  • 还有更多!

We encourage you to explore the site to see the new features and see if anything inspires you for your organization's website. 让我们来看看一些突出的元素.




  • 这个移动友好的网站是使用立博客户端app下载的 master theme build-out, 哪一个有一个极好的, 简洁的设计脱颖而出.
  • There is also a great use of Elevate’s branding colors and bold typography sprinkled throughout the site.
  • On the homepage is a hero image of the area; an events slider promoting upcoming events; a section with the latest news; and market statistics showing data from how many jobs have been created to annual capital invested in the region.


  • The standard main navigation has a dropdown menu with secondary navigation items. 
  • The Member Portal stands out in the navigation as a button for members to easily access and log in to their accounts.  
  • 实用程序菜单使网站访问者可以快速访问重要页面, 其中包括约, Events, News, 及联络我们. 
  • A search bar for users also makes browsing for information on the website more convenient and straightforward.
  • A great feature to add to your chamber or 经济发展的 website is an embedded Google Maps tool like 提升拉皮德城. This allows members and prospective constituents to see your organization's location. 


  • The 会员目录 is extremely robust, 会员可以通过企业名称进行搜索, 类别, 关键字, 和城市. 会员还可以展示他们的标志, 类别, address, website, 电话号码在这个目录页上, 这能提供很多可见性.
  • 提升拉皮德城 is an event-driven organization, so it was paramount to have a user-friendly Events page. Members can filter events by 类别 and view upcoming happenings through a list or month display. 当点击时, 每个事件都包含更多细节, 票类型, 并呼吁采取行动购买门票或登记.
  • The 时间轴 component on the About page is a handy tool to show (and tell) your organization's history. This component can display pictures overlaid with text for a visually appealing way to share more about the evolution of an organization.
  • 使用立博客户端app下载 News Module, this organization has an incredibly clean and organized web page that showcases the latest news updates. Tags can also access content by year published and can be filtered by 类别.



立博客户端app下载’s Freedom 整体软件解决方案 helps 会员-based organizations grow using one software system to manage everything. 立博官网手机版app下载使商会和经济发展部门能够:

  • 创建和编辑网站内部内容
  • 管理所有会员操作和事件
  • 分享财务活动报告
  • 维护站点安全和数据加密
  • 开发、部署和监控市场营销活动


提升拉皮德城 struggled with its former data structure before switching to Freedom 整体软件解决方案. 工作人员必须手动邮寄发票,以便会员缴纳会费. 现在,一切都在网上简化. This process is handled through a single software, from invoicing to collecting dues. 


Another pain point for this event-focused organization was managing its monthly events calendar and registration process. 使用立博官网手机版app下载软件, members can register for upcoming events on Elevate’s website when they’re signed into their account, 这个组织现在可以使用健壮的事件管理软件.

会员登录 & Access

提升拉皮德城’s Member Portal allows members access and ownership of their member accounts online. 每个成员都有一个标准的登录帐户. They can 报名参加活动, see invoices, view past events, and register for upcoming ones.


我们感谢拉皮德城公司信任我们的团队重新设计他们的网站, 我们很感激他们的团队重视立博客户端app下载以客户为中心的方法. It is great to see this partnership organization have peace of mind now that its website, 会员, 所有事件都集中在一个地方. 如果你有兴趣重新设计你的 商会 or 经济发展的 网站或了解更多关于立博客户端app下载的整体软件解决方案, 请伸出援手, 我们团队的人会联系你的.

我们喜欢与非营利组织合作. 看看立博客户端app下载能为你做些什么!







Spotlight your region as a leader in economic development with Freedom Software.



让别人看到你,你就会成功! 展示你所在地区的潜力


Don't let a lack of visibility and data knowledge hinder your region's economic prosperity. 

A strong online presence is crucial to driving economic growth in your region.

在你的网站上展示相关的数据和资源, you can create a compelling platform that entices businesses to invest in your area.




了解我们的 网站和CRM解决方案